Es claro que no tengo nada que hacer asi que hay les va esta nota
The Temple of Necros Christos proudly announces a most holy triumvirate of labels taking care of the release of Doom Of The Occult, namely Sepulchral Voice Records, Ván Records and The Ajna Offensive.
The release is vaguely scheduled for late autumn 2010 while the drum recordings will begin on Black Friday, April the 2nd at Sound From Below in Berlin, Germany.
The Temple of Necros Christos proudly announces a most holy triumvirate of labels taking care of the release of Doom Of The Occult, namely Sepulchral Voice Records, Ván Records and The Ajna Offensive.
The release is vaguely scheduled for late autumn 2010 while the drum recordings will begin on Black Friday, April the 2nd at Sound From Below in Berlin, Germany.